In this section you will have the opportunity to let others know different strategies you use when solving math problems. In here you can also comment on your anecdotes and experiences learning math. 



Date: 17/05/2013 | By: María Camila sierra zorro

When i was a little girl i thought multiplication was the same as adding,also i thought dividing was the same as subtracting.


Date: 17/05/2013 | By: David Garcia

One day I was trying to enter to maths up with a friend and we were tired of trying so I said we are going to enter to this page when the rains goes up

Math anecdote

Date: 17/05/2013 | By: María José

This is an anecdote of how i did my first figure-drawing when
I Was a little child i did a drawing figure in computer, ten i put print like ten times and there were like ten times and it prints ten copies


Date: 17/05/2013 | By: Andres

One experience is that before I know about maths up I didn't know that i can learn math in Internet

Math experience

Date: 17/05/2013 | By: alejo2101brice

I have learn that in all places you can have polygons, 3 D shapes,etc......


Date: 17/05/2013 | By: Natalia Martinez

For multiplying in the table of the nine you can add one to the second digit and subtract one the first digit.

Activity in animoto

Date: 17/05/2013 | By: JuanDiego.G

The day I made animoto activity I was thinking my video would take at least 1 minute,but when I finish SHAN it take 30 seconds and I see and my animoto version was maximum long 30 seconds.The free one.

Funny experience

Date: 17/05/2013 | By: alejo2101brice

Some days ago I was trying to enter to wiki spaces with a friend and like at my 5 try my friend went to another computer and write : " no podras hacerlo hasta Los 15


Date: 14/05/2013 | By: iirididididiididididdidi


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